This book is to help every reader understand that the Bible is
Gods love letter that is the very key for everyone of us to live
the most blessed life today and reaping the greatest rewards
that has eternal value. We may often know what to do when we
follow His word, but may not understand how to apply the
principles most effectively to make the most of His Word.
With this book, I am passionate that people all over would be
more blessed to get more out of Gods word for their benefit
now and for all eternity. To live the blessed life and be
prepared to be eternally blessed, we need to gain understanding
on how to get the most of His word, how to effectively apply it
to our lives, understand who our real enemy is in order to live
the victorious life and feed fully on His word, which is what I
hope to impart to you. I am hoping this book identifies to you
in a very real way, that the Bible is His hearts cry to instruct us
on how to live the abundant life which He longs for us to live.