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Micro Economic Analysis in Agriculture Vol. 2 (Kumar, K. Nirmal Ravi)
Micro Economic Analysis in Agriculture Vol. 2
Autor Kumar, K. Nirmal Ravi
Verlag Astral International Pvt. Ltd.
Sprache Englisch
Einband Fester Einband
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Seiten 374 S.
Artikelnummer 37190220
ISBN 978-93-5124-110-2
CHF 154.00

Though several books were authored in the context of explaining microeconomic aspects, this book is relatively a significant achievement, as it offered an analytical background considering examples from the micro-level aspects of agriculture to the extent possible. This is the first of its kind and the style of presentation is very simple and easy to understand for the student community. The important concepts of modern microeconomics like Game theory, Theory of Contestable Markets, Fixation of Minimum wages to labour etc., were also dealt in this book in a simplified manner. In this perspective, this book is extremely useful for all the students, who wish to pursue their career majoring in Economics in general and Agricultural Economics in particular. Further, it contains an up-dated and standard material on the various aspects of Micro-economics duly covering the latest syllabi as prescribed by the several universities in India, thereby, it helps the Academicians for better explanation of the concepts to the student community. The concepts are illustrated with neat graphical representations wherever necessary and they are well-explained to suit the requirements of student community. This book is very useful for the students pursuing B.Sc. (Agriculture), M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics), Ph.D (Agricultural Economics), BA, MA, B.Com, M.Com, JRF, NET, ARS, IAS, IFS and other competitive examinations.