DEFIANCE - Secrets of Your Midlife Crisis ... will change your life.
Author, Louise L. Kallaway, refers to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle's quotation: 'give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man'. We are trying to live in two time zones - feeling 'stuck' between subconscious responses from our childhood model belief system (our baggage) and current time.
She explains that maturing adults are in conflict, seeking to:
¿ Reconcile literal, powerless childhood beliefs and current needs
¿ Convert the need for acceptance into self-acceptance
¿ Transcend fear and childhood model comfort zones
¿ Transform a yes-or-no, either/or world into shades of grey
¿ Move beyond our 'need to belong' and its conformity issues, to live a much more 'lived-in' life - aligned with the adult's rite of passage.
This book holds the key to liberating personal power and free will.