In a relatively short period of time, cognitive behaviour therapy has become the leading psychotherapy in most Western countries. Much of the appeal and success of cognitive behaviour therapy is due to the close links between science and practice which characterise the cognitive behaviour therapy movement and to the demonstrated effectiveness of the treatment approach.
This book, which is divided into two parts, illustrates the links between science and practice in modern Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Part One covers general issues and includes chapters on: The Evolution of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Stanley Rachman); The Foundations of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Michael Gelder); Information Processing Biases in Emotional Disorders (Andrew Mathews); The Relationship Between Cognition and Emotion (John D Teasdale); Efficacy and Dissemination of Psychological Treatment (David H. Barlow and Stefan G Hofmann). Part Two focuses on specific disorders and includes chapters on: Panic Disorder and Social Phobia (David M Clark); Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Adrian Wells and Gillian Butler); Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Paul M Salkovskis and Joan Kirk); Eating Disorders (Christopher G Fairburn); Sexual Problems (John Bancroft); Depression (J Mark G Williams); Attempted Suicide (Keith Hawton) Hypochondriasis (Paul M Salkovskis and Christopher Bass); Cardiovascular Disease (Derek W Johnston) Atypical Chest Pain (Richard Mayou); Chronic Fatigue (Michael Sharpe); Problem-Solving Treatment in Primary Care (Denis Gath and Laurence Mynors-Wallis). Each of the chapters in Part Two outlines the current cognitive behavioural conceptualization of the disorder, reviews relevant research and describes current cognitive behavioural treatment procedures.
The book will be of interest to clinicians and researchers from a wide range of backgrounds, as well as students and trainees in clinical psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy.
Psychological treatments have proven very effective in treating a wide spectrum of psychiatric syndromes, including depression, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, bulimia nervosa, hypochondriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, premenstrual syndrome and social phobia. Science and Practice of Cognitive Behavior Therapy provides a summary of the current literature and a useful examination of the science and practice within cognitive behavior therapy. Both David Clark and Christopher Fairburn are acknowledged experts in the field and have succeeded in bringing together some of the world's foremost authorities in psychiatry. Topics covered include: the scientific foundations of cognitive behavior therapy, efficacy and dissemination of psychological treatments, panic disorders and social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sex therapy, and attempted suicide.
This is a broad textbook written by the leading British cognitive-behaviour therapists, which covers the present state of both the theory and practice of CBT. This book is highly recommended reading for all practicing cognitive-behavioural therapists.