Anna, the Voice of the Magdalenes, by Claire Heartsong and Catherine Ann Clemett, is the sequel to Claire Heartsong's first book, Anna, Grandmother of Jesus. Receive a greater understanding of the Christ drama 2,000 years ago and its relevance to present-day humanity and your own awakening.
Claire Heartsong began receiving telepathic messages about the life of Anna, the grandmother of Jesus, in 1988. Anna appeared to her in meditation and told Claire that she would like to share her story with her. From that day, Claire began recording Anna's messages, which have come to form two books, including the bestseller Anna, Grandmother of Jesus. Catherine Ann Clemett is a Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and the author and co-author of numerous books on spirituality. During the writing of Anna, the Voice of the Magdalenes, she facilitated numerous past life regressions that drew out the content for the book.