The present book makes an attempt to explain the need and evolution of regulations for managing the tree and forest cover in urban and rural (including special problematic) areas - which are normally outside the focus of the legal forestry or scientific forestry, but are of critical importance.
However, the urban areas because of their special needs for green spaces have got special focus as far as this book is considered. The need and design of such regulations focused to greenery in urban areas is preceded by the discussion on appropriate policy; which has been delineated cussed in a separate chapter given the importance of the topic.
The need for good governance in urban forestry and tree related regulations are urgently felt and hence some of the key elements of it have also been discussed. The expectation of the society for good governance is felt across the domain including forestry sector; hence the forestry and general tree or forest management in urban context has to be in consonance with modern concept of good governance. This aspect has not only been discussed in theoretical perspective but the various existing provincial regulations have been scanned with focus on some of the core elements of good governance. At the same time global efforts to incorporate approaches of good governance in urban forestry or tree growing have also been discussed; with some glimpses of good practices are also given to readers.
The very unique feature of the book, which can be useful for policy planners, framers of regulations, implementers and other affected stakeholders is to discuss the major approaches for ensuring the well managed tree and forest resources (particularly in urban context). These approaches like planning, motivation and market based instruments have been playing an important role in other sectors and to some extent are being applied in urban forestry as well. The theoretical treatment of this topic with practical examples from different countries and from India, illustrates the logic behind each approach. Having realised the vast potential and scope of each of these approaches- the reader is introduced to the possibility of application of these approaches in urban forestry regulations. At the end of the chapter, it is expected that the reader would be convinced of the need of fusion of approaches as only this integrated framework can work efficiently and effectively in any given context.
The comparative analysis of different provincial regulations also offers enough insights to the readers for improving their efficiency by supplementing them by the elements of other approaches. The critique of each provincial regulation can provide enough clues to the modifications of such regulations.
As highlighted by numerous studies, the importance of trees, forests, greenery and green spaces are growing every day. The planners and regulators are facing strong challenge to conserve, enhance and maintain such green resources in urban areas or even beyond. Sooner or later, many of the states, local urban bodies and institutions will have to come out with more of innovative and proactive approaches to ensure greenery in their domain. All the discussions, analyses and critical commentaries in various formats and frameworks used in this book can help them in appreciating the problems and accordingly formulate an appropriate regulatory strategy in their context.