The ultimate test...
Rani Trader has finally been summoned by her exiled Glasswrights Guild, invited to test for the rank of master. Rani has craved such acceptance for years, and she has high hopes that all her past mistakes will finally be forgiven.
Rani journeys to Brianta, the religious center of all the land. Soon, she is cut off from her long-trusted companions, isolated by the glasswrights who have long memories of past betrayals.
Surrounded by religious fanatics, sickened by long hours of study, Rani soon realizes that she will be tested on far more than her knowledge of glassmaking--and the lives of loved ones hang in the balance.
The fourth book in the award-winning Glasswrights saga finds Rani Trader--labeled a traitor by the Glasswrights' Guild because she was instrumental in their downfall and banishment--facing some difficult decisions as she awaits the results of her Master's Test. Original.