The industrial monoculture spreading across the globe is highly competitive,
greedy and egotistical; in the shaping of educational policy, global communities
have accepted a model based on science and technology, which lacks aspects that
should be addressed in the goal of education. The book Timeless Teachers and
Ethical Visions is a historical inquiry of educational concerns that have developed
through the centuries. It is a systematic discussion of prominent educators,
including their theories and experiments: St. Thomas Aquinas, Al-Ghazali, Ibn
Khaldun, Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, John Dewey and Paulo Freire.
In addition, the inquiry investigates the strengths and weaknesses of the neoliberal
educational policy, the suggestions to construct an educational policy considering
the common good, criticize uncontrolled individualism while emphasizing the goal of education that enhances
community consciousness to the learner. Finally, the aim of this book is to propose an alternative educational
policy that is beneficial to the global community.